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Infinity Blade: Book Review

When you view the words, 'Infinity Blade,' your reaction may have been skeptical. You might have merely brought to mind the video games, and have reservations against them. If this is your mindset, then I will happily disappoint you. If not, then you may have just found a new read.

The Infinity Blade series is composed of two novellas written by #1 bestseller Brandon Sanderson. For those who experienced the three video games, this story will be familiar but at the same time, mysterious. The books bridge a gap which the games never seem to fill. Although the books are based off the virtual reality franchise released several years back, these works bring an actual story to the table. Through a 400 page journey, this story brings us through the incredible struggle of Siris, a man in the work of redeeming himself as he and two others labor to prevent the world’s end.

The main theme these books center around is the darkness within. We have all experienced a burst of anger, frustration, or even betrayal with those around us. When all is said and done, our tendency is to blame circumstances, other people, and/or objects rather than accepting our nature. Our hero Siris struggles with this every step of his journey until he finally accepts who he is.

With that problem solved, another question seems to confront the hero: “If there is an evil residing in me, what then must I do?” Most books answer this problem with a series of feats or actions that eventually excuse the hero from bad behavior, such as the myth of Hercules. The hero works off his evil and eventually turns out to be the “knight in shining armor”. Not here. As the story progresses, our hero learns that not all evil is restrained by the sword and shield.

From the darkness within the warrior Siris to the tyrannical but king-like and honor-bound Raidriar to even the doubting Isa, this series, though short, weaves a story worthy of the bookshelf. With eye- openers, duels, and a conflict that draws the mind’s attention, the Infinity Blade Series certainly surpasses the stereotype we see quite often when an award-winning virtual reality game attempts to fit itself into a paperback novel. Though a great read, there are “chinks in the armor”.

These novellas can be treated as standalone and be separated from their game predecessors. In reality, Sanderson also intended for them to be enjoyed after or while you play those games since the novellas and games intertwine with each other. However, this should not turn you away from reading the series, as there is something to be found for everyone.

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